High School Spiritual Day Date : April 5th Deadline for registration is March 30th Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone(Required)Date of Birth(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY AgeConsent I agree to the consent belowI agree to take part in the church event described above. I hereby authorize the event leaders to act on according to their best judgment in an emergency requiring medical attention, and I agree to take responsibility for the expense of such a procedure. I understand that while the leaders will try to act in their best ability, I will not hold them or the Church responsible for any accident or injury. I understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by event leaders during the events and activities. I understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I agree not to hold the Church or leaders liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the subject of this form.Consent(Required) I agree to the consent belowI give permission for my child, . to take part in the church event described above. I hereby authorize the trip leaders to act on my behalf according to their best judgment in an emergency requiring medical attention, and I agree to take responsibility for the expense of such a procedure. I understand that while the leaders will try to act in their best ability, I will not hold them or the Church responsible for any accident or injury. I understand all reasonable safety precautions will be taken at all times by trip leaders during the events and activities. I understand the possibility of unforeseen hazards and know the inherent possibility of risk. I agree not to hold the Church or leaders liable for damages, losses, diseases, or injuries incurred by the subject of this form.Parent Name(Required) First Last Total Amount DueAmount Due (Spiritual Day) Amount: Donate to support the Ministry Total Due Credit Card InformationCredit Card(Required) Cardholder Name Card Details