About us
Fr. Shenouda Ebied
Email: Frshenouda@saintmarycoptic..org
Phone: 443-462-2971
Father Shenouda was ordained at Anba Bishoy Monastery on March 23, 2000 by Pope Shenouda III on Saint Joseph Church in Old Cairo. Father Shenouda received a Bachelor degree in Commerce in 1994. He also has a Diploma in Theology with honors and also a Diploma in Pastoral care with Honors. Father Shenouda has served Churches of the angel and Prince Tadros and Saint Joseph in ancient Cairo until Pope Tawadros II assign him to serve in the church of the Virgin Mary in Maryland. He was later elevated to Hegumen in December 2019.
كانت رسامه ابونا شنوده في دير الانبا بيشوى العامر يوم ٢٣ مارس، ٢٠٠٠على يد قداسه البابا شنوده الثالث على كنيسه يوسف النجار بمصر القديمه.حصل ابونا شنوده على بكالوريوس تجاره سنه ١٩٩٤. كما حصل على دبلومه في اللاهوت بتقدير امتياز و ايضا دبلومه في الرعايه بتقدير امتياز. هذا و قد خدم ابونا شنوده في كنائس الملاك القبلي و الامير تادرس و الفديس يوسف النجاري مصر القديمه الي ان كلفه قداسه البابا تواضروس الثاني برعايه كنيسه العذراء مريم مريلاند.
Fr. Mena Attwa
Email: frmena@saintmarycoptic.org
Phone: 703-303-4291
Fr. Mena Attwa grew up in the United States and started his service at St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church of Washington DC in 2001.God then put it on his to serve those in need so in 2005 during what was supposed be a brief missions trip to Kenya from the US, it became into a life long commitment to Africa where had served for 11 years. He was asked to take on the role of Assistant program manager for the Coptic Hope Center, a comprehensive treatment facility for HIV/AIDS in Nairobi. In 2006 Fr. Mena accepted the challenge of establishing within the Coptic Mission two-satellite clinics throughout Kenya. With a background in Business Management and a minor in Marketing his passion quickly became working with those in need both spiritually and physically. He worked hand in hand with Bishop and Father to lead the youth in Nairobi and throughout the Coptic mission to draw them closer to God.He quickly became a leader and a friend to those who he served. He met his wife Grace Attwa, who he served with in Kenya and where married in 2007. Fr. Mena was then ordained as a priest for the Coptic Church in Nairobi in 2009 by Pope Shenouda III in egypt where he completed his forty days at Anba Bishoy Monastery. He continued to be the Program Director for the Hope Center for Infectious Diseases, managing over 300 people as well as the Priest in Charge of St. Mark’s Coptic Church in Nairobi. He not only served in Kenya but also Tanzania, Nigeria, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Serving not only the local people but also Coptic youth from all over the world during his time in the Coptic Mission. He was then called to serve in the Church of the Virgin Mary in Maryland. He was later elevated to Hegumen in May 2024